Early Reader's Comments

" I loved your poems. They are both poetic and understandable. I like that!"
"A delight!"
"I finished Roxanity this morning. The title is GREAT! … and the content shines. It is the book of a very deep lady who has much to say about life and its "goings on". You captured the everyday life of regular people. Thanks!"
"An honest book, romantic, strong, simple, but full of emotions and intense feelings."
"These poems are short, sweet, and they all have a point. Sometimes surprising, sometimes humorous, but always showing deep understanding, even wisdom. We need more roxanity in this day and age."
"The poems are beautiful. What I especially like about your book is that thanks to the indications of the dates of when each poem was written, one can read it almost like a diary. And it covers more than ten years of your life!"